How would you like to remember 2014`s last 9 days? How would you like to begin the new year?
Naturally no person would like to be furious or carry baggage into the new year. However,the reality is that none of us are perfect yet each one has perfect imperfections that can help lift us or lower us. I know for sure, during the holiday season there`s always one friend,stranger,family member or situation that pushes your`s/my buttons,buttons that set off feelings like fear,anxiety,being more self conscious than aware or even imbalance. I personally have experienced all and to be rather honest,i`m not a conqueror of sorts but rather a learner of all kinds. I`ve learnt it is okay to make silly mistakes,feel insecure and doubtful,completely lost and filled with questions. I`m learning to more consistent ans I still fall off the waggon but the fun is in climbing back on the waggon of acceptance,present moment awareness,forgiveness,love and fun because that is when we begin to realise our own capabilities and break limits we set for our self. Yes boundaries play a major role in all of this!
Setting boundaries with ourselves and people around us is definitely one of many keys!Saying no or yes must be aligned with your integrity,speaking out and expressing yourself is no sin. Secondly,do not be concerned of what others think of you,it can be challenging at times but just remember their opinions belong to them and not you so if it angers you or drains you just breathe,feel what you need to and take your space but remember it is their mirror not yours! Thirdly,make social networks your friend and not competitor.Comparing your life to the life of others is a trap many easily get entangled in but flip it around and keep up with people who inspire you and propel you towards your dreams,read a book or a page or quote that brightens your mood.Use social networks to genuinely connect with loved ones and to be part of the journeys(well if you have a role in it). Posting personal revenge is not mature,face the problem in person not from behind your phone or laptop. Lastly,do things for yourself,appreciate yourself,spoil yourself and it can be with friends or family or plain simple alone time.If throwing on a new accessory ,meditating,reading a book,jamming to songs,or walking in the garden makes you sing,go for it!Keep the balance,get back on the waggon if you fall off and have a blast! Stay safe,travel well and I will write to you on the flip side in 2015!!!
Stay present and wise!
Love Gia
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